
VCollab is a data reduction and common visualization platform for most major CAD/CAE/CFD data files for technical and non-technical users. It uses a proprietary CAX efficient graphics file format that significantly compresses the visual file size. VCollab can be used as a unified documentation tool that combines different sources of CAD, CAE, and CAM information into one product-centric visual file that can be embedded into Microsoft Office tools such as PowerPoint, Word, and Excel as well as Web pages. VCollab enables users to view CAE/CAD data using their desktop/laptop without the native applications.
VCollab Pro
High-end visualization tool for creating, manipulating, and viewing of large 3D CAD/CAE/CFD and generating CAE story boards for collaboration. VCollab Pro reads CAX files generated by VMove CAE or VMove CAD
Converts the native CAE results files into highly reduced CAX files for easier sharing and viewing of simulation results
Converts most major CAD files to highly compressed CAX files for visualization and shape matching
VCollab Benefits
VCollab Pro
- Eliminates the need for domain-specific software viewers for different applications by providing a single easy to use tool for viewing CAD/CAE/CFD data files
- Reduces designer/analyst’s time to create excellent presentations
- Reduces analyst’s time to make CAE reports
- Improves communication and collaboration among diverse working groups and across the entire supply chain through CAE Storyboards
- Eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software for high end visualization
- Reduces data file size by as much as 99%
- Reduces bandwidth requirements (large files do not need to be moved)
- Reduces data archival footprint and cost of network storage
- Improves analysts productivity with faster light weight representations
- Provides automated meta-data extraction
- Reduces data file size by as much as 60%
- Improves analysts productivity with faster light weight representations of both CAD and simulation data
- Improves communication and documentation of the Design/Analysis process
- Provides automated meta-data extraction

Features & Capabilities
VCollab Pro
- Provides High Performance and Scalable 3D Visualization of CAX Data without running native CAD/CAE/CFD applications
- Provides easy manipulation, interrogation, visualization, and analysis of results
- Provides enhanced tools to perform multi-design or analysis comparisons
- Provides fast light weight visualization of large CAE simulations to improve analysts productivity
- Provides smooth navigation through large models and simulations
- Provides support for 3D Immersive (virtual reality) visualization solutions for better understanding of designs and simulations
- Allows data from different CAX sources to be merged into a single CAX file
- Provides advanced viewpoint technology for building and sharing CAE storyboards
- Provides a single point source to create a variety of media types (Images, GIF animations, AVI files, and 3D Interactive VCollab Files)
- Provides export of CAX data to STL or VRML formats
- Generates VCollab’s CAX format for major CAE/CFD files along with VRML2.0 and STL files
- Provides automatic fast “loss-free” data compression
- Allows data from different CAX sources to be merged into a single CAX file
- Allows filtering of data to be stored in CAX file
- Provides cut-section, iso-surface, and streamlines to be calculated and stored as part of the CAX file
- Provides for capture of model assembly hierarchy and model organization
- Extracts meta-data from most software and generates XML file for easier integration with any PLM /SLM /ERP system.
- Generates VCollab’s CAX format for major CAD files along with VRML2.0 and STL files
- Provides automatic fast “loss-free” data compression
- Provides for capture of model assembly hierarchy retaining parts lists, parts names, and assembly structures
- Provides extraction of meta-data such as mass, volume, weight, density, and others